Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Ok. This is for ANYONE who has EVER complained about something that happened years, months, days, or minutes ago. SO WHAT? The past is over and done with! If i cried everytime I "remembered" something bad that happened before, i guess I would always be crying. Truth is, you can not get to your future by bellyaching over the past! OKOK some of you are saying, "but my mom or my dad or GF, BF or best friend or my whatever did this to me, yelled at me, didnt love me, ignored me, cheated on me. blah blah blah. SO WHAT?

Really get over it!

Imagine never getting anywhere in life because of what happened yesterday! You know what? BE GRATEFUL YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING! Without being grateful for what you have now, you will have NOTHING! So my two cents. IT DOESNT MATTER!!!!!

SO WHAT? So get on with today! Make a better tomorrow! WHAT YOU DO WITH RIGHT NOW MATTERS!

Good day everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good post!!