Saturday, March 15, 2008

Gas Prices

The only reason the USA is headed into a recession is gas prices! Exxon/Mobil made 33 BILLION in PROFIT last year! We put up with this because we have to work/shop/get the kids to school etc... But its a shame.

SAME ON YOU MR. PRESIDENT! You are wealthy so no worries on your end right? Someone needs to do something for the little guy! 3.09 a gallon is not neccassary! I can buy a gallon of ice cream for 1.99 or 2.99!

THE ONLY REASON WE ARE HEADED INTO A RECESSION IS GREED!!!! Greed by the wealthy!! Isn't there anything we can do? Those "don't buy gas on monday" emails never seem to work. Anybody have any ideas let me know!

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